Former NFL stars Vernon Davis and Omar Bolden are embarking on a new venture as they star in the comedy series Match Point. Created by Sports Emmy-nominated director Joslyn Rose Lyons, the mockumentary project will debut its first two episodes on-demand on Apple TV and Prime Video on February 11, 2025, with the remaining episodes of the 10-episode first season following suit.
Match Point follows the story of Max (played by Davis) and Anthony (played by Bolden), two former tennis champions who team up to host a podcast. The series delves into their challenges behind the scenes as they navigate launching the podcast, while dealing with a high-strung producer (Ashley Haas) and a ratings-obsessed talent booker (Rob Gordon), in addition to pushy executives and a dysfunctional crew.
Davis, Lyons, Johanna Saldaña, and Dominique Mouton are the executive producers of the show. The trailer for Match Point, which is distributed through Filmhub, can be viewed below.
Joslyn Rose Lyons, the creator and director of the series, shares, “My vision for this project was to create a unique storytelling experience that blends mockumentary with new media and challenges traditional boundaries. Through comedy, we aim to uncover deeper meanings and offer audiences a chance to find light in unexpected places.”
Vernon Davis expresses his excitement for the project, stating, “I am thrilled about the innovative mix of comedy and mockumentary in Match Point. It offers a fresh perspective on podcasting that viewers have not seen before. The collaboration among all of us involved creates a truly unique experience, and I cannot wait for viewers to enjoy it.”
Since retiring from the NFL in 2019, Davis has transitioned into the entertainment industry, making appearances on shows like Dancing With the Stars and earning acting credits in projects such as The Ritual Killer and Plan B. This new endeavor with Match Point further solidifies his presence in the entertainment world.
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