There’s something endlessly fun—and juicy—about telling our deepest, darkest secrets. Whether it’s played with casual friends or our closest confidantes, there’s a reason “never have I ever” questions still intrigue us years after our first game. (Mine was middle school. Yours?) We feel giddy sharing something no one knows about us—surprising them and changing their perspective. And we feel seen when others can relate, knowing we’re not alone in the silly, beautiful goofiness of life. Sure, “Never Have I Ever” may just be a game-night favorite, but it’s also a way we grow closer to those around us.
And if you haven’t realized it yet, the game doesn’t have to be left in the past. “Never Have I Ever” never, ever gets old. In fact, it’s often how friends and I wrap up the evening, sitting around the fire or cozying up on the couch to bear our souls. (Yes, it can get intense.) I can guarantee, no matter how well you know each other at the beginning, the “never have I ever” questions ahead guarantee you’ll be fast friends by the end of the night.
Featured image by Michelle Nash.
101 “Never Have I Ever” Questions for an Unforgettable Game Night
1. Never have I ever kissed a stranger.
2. Never have I ever left the country.
3. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
4. Never have I ever had a crush on someone playing this game right now.
5. Never have I ever regifted something.
6. Never have I ever ghosted someone I was dating.
7. Never have I ever dined and dashed.
8. Never have I ever lied to my spouse about something important.
9. Never have I ever gotten into a car crash.
10. Never have I ever taken a solo trip.
11. Never have I ever skinny-dipped.
12. Never have I ever lied about my age.
13. Never have I ever had a crush on a co-worker.
14. Never have I ever dyed my hair.
15. Never have I ever had a cosmetic procedure done.
16. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
17. Never have I ever gotten a piercing.
18. Never have I ever had a threesome.
19. Never have I ever Googled myself.
20. Never have I ever met a celebrity.

21. Never have I ever used a fake ID.
22. Never have I ever snooped through someone’s phone.
23. Never have I ever tried a trendy diet.
24. Never have I ever broken the law.
25. Never have I ever lied to someone playing this game right now.
26. Never have I ever ended a relationship over text.
27. Never have I ever drunk texted an ex.
28. Never have I ever finished a TV series in a day.
29. Never have I ever spent the whole day in my pajamas.
30. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling.
31. Never have I ever lived alone.
32. Never have I ever cried at work.
33. Never have I ever had a regret.
34. Never have I ever wished I had a different life.
35. Never have I ever had my heart broken.
36. Never have I ever broken someone’s heart.
37. Never have I ever gone skydiving.
38. Never have I ever given up on a dream.
39. Never have I ever read an entire book in a day.
40. Never have I ever gone commando.

41. Never have I ever been to a strip club.
42. Never have I ever lied about myself on a dating app.
43. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of work.
44. Never have I ever started a rumor.
45. Never have I ever broken a promise.
46. Never have I ever lied on my resume.
47. Never have I ever gambled.
48. Never have I ever stayed awake for 24 hours or more.
49. Never have I ever had sex in a car or public place.
50. Never have I ever ignored the expiration date on a food label.
51. Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was hot.
52. Never have I ever broken a bone.
53. Never have I ever peed my pants as an adult.
54. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
55. Never have I ever flirted with a bartender or barista.
56. Never have I ever left a negative review.
57. Never have I ever fought someone in public.
58. Never have I ever been fired from a job.
59. Never have I ever fainted.
60. Never have I ever been in an open relationship.

61. Never have I ever kissed more than one person in the same 24 hours.
62. Never have I ever crashed a wedding.
63. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person by accident.
64. Never have I ever lied about who I voted for.
65. Never have I ever ridden a horse.
66. Never have I ever sexted.
67. Never have I ever returned a clothing item after wearing it.
68. Never have I ever sent a stranger a drink.
69. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
70. Never have I ever had a summer fling.
70. Never have I ever slid into a stranger’s DMs.
71. Never have I ever lied about my relationship status.
72. Never have I ever run a red light.
73. Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 15 years older or younger than me.
74. Never have I ever met someone at a bar.
75. Never have I ever been on a blind date.
76. Never have I ever worn the same outfit two days in a row.
77. Never have I ever eaten dog or cat food.
78. Never have I ever lied to get out of plans.
79. Never have I ever cut my own bangs.
80. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.

81. Never have I ever eaten a coworker’s lunch from the office fridge.
82. Never have I ever had credit card debt.
83. Never have I ever tried psychadelics.
84. Never have I ever gone to court.
85. Never have I ever blocked a friend or family member on social media.
86. Never have I ever smoked a cigarette.
87. Never have I ever convinced a friend to dump their partner.
88. Never have I ever ridden first class.
89. Never have I ever been on a yacht.
90. Never have I ever faked an orgasm.
91. Never have I ever gotten a hicky.
92. Never have I ever done a prank call.
93. Never have I ever missed rent or a mortgage payment.
94. Never have I ever lied about my income.
95. Never have I ever gotten stitches.
96. Never have I ever gotten stuck in an elevator.
97. Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
98. Never have I ever fought in public.
99. Never have I ever snooped through a host’s bathroom without them knowing.
100. Never have I ever had a bad allergic reaction.
101. Never have I ever worn glasses with fake lenses.