A.C. Bradley, known as the head writer of Marvel Studios’ What If…? animated series, recently faced a devastating loss when her Altadena home was destroyed in a fire. Despite this tragedy, Bradley remains focused on her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Adelia.
Currently staying with a friend in Studio City, Bradley is grateful for a place to stay during this difficult time. She describes how her daughter Adelia clings to a Spider-Man book bag filled with her surviving toys, seeking comfort in familiarity during this upheaval.
Bradley reflects on the challenges of explaining the situation to her daughter and the guilt she feels as a parent. She recounts the heart-wrenching moment when she learned of her home’s destruction through a video from a neighbor while she was in Vietnam. The image of her car untouched in the driveway amidst the rubble left her in tears.
A.C. Bradley shares memories of her beloved home, which she purchased in 2019 and lovingly renovated. She mourns the loss of sentimental items, including a bucket hat belonging to a deceased cousin. Amidst the devastation, she finds solace in the random objects that survived the fire, like a single wooden chair in the yard.
Despite the loss of her possessions, Bradley remains philosophical, recognizing that memories are about the people in them, not the material items. She emphasizes the importance of cherishing memories and passing on this wisdom to her daughter.
In the midst of rebuilding her life, A.C. Bradley’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and strength displayed during challenging times.
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