In the series finale of “What We Do in the Shadows,” the cyclical nature of living as immortal vampires is highlighted. The show, created by Taika Waititi, follows four vampire roommates and their human familiar as they navigate the challenges of immortality in a modern world. Over six seasons, the show has garnered a cult following with its blend of comedy and heartwarming moments.
The finale sees Guillermo, the human familiar, grappling with the end of the in-show documentary and the show itself. While the vampire roommates seamlessly continue their vampiric activities, Guillermo fears returning to a mundane life without them. The cast, including Kristen Schaal, reflects on the impact the show has had on viewers during difficult times, providing an escape and a source of joy.
Despite only winning one Emmy for outstanding costumes, “What We Do in the Shadows” has received critical acclaim over its six-season run. The decision to end the show after season six was made to ensure a strong conclusion and allow the cast and crew to give their all to the final season. The cast members express mixed emotions about saying goodbye to the characters and set that have been a part of their lives for six years.
As the show wraps up, there is a sense of nostalgia and the possibility of revisiting the characters in the future. For now, fans can stream all episodes of “What We Do in the Shadows” on Hulu.
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