Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Episode 4 recently premiered, continuing the journey of the kids with their new partner, Jod Na Nawood. Fans are eager to discover easter egg references that connect to the larger Star Wars universe. If you’re excited to uncover these hidden gems in Skeleton Crew Episode 4, keep reading!
Here is a curated list of easter eggs and references in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Episode 4 that will excite fans of the franchise and other related series.
1. Mural Identical to One at Fern’s House:
The kids stumble upon an old house with a mural resembling the one at Fern’s home on At Attin, depicting the founders of the Jewel planets in the Old Republic.
2. Jod’s Home Planet:
Jod Na Nawood shares details about his dark and dull home planet for the first time, hinting at a deeper exploration of his backstory in future episodes.
3. Kids Battling Adults:
The kids’ battle against adults draws parallels to Yoda witnessing a similar conflict in a Star Wars comic and echoes the Lost Boys’ fight against Captain Hook’s crew in Peter Pan.
4. SM-33’s Faulty Memory:
SM-33 experiences memory loss about At Attin, similar to the droid BEN in Treasure Planet, highlighting the theme of erasing memories for protection.
5. A New Sub-Species of Eopies:
A modified version of the camel-like Eopies, first seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, makes an appearance in Episode 4 of Skeleton Crew.
6. Hayna’s Blaster:
Hayna wields a blaster reminiscent of the Daleks’ gun from Doctor Who, adding a fun crossover reference to another popular series.
7. At Achrann and the Other Jewels:
The new world of At Achrann serves as a dark mirror to At Attin, introducing other Jewel planets like At Arissia, At Aytuu, At Acoda, and At Aravin.
8. SM-33 Resembles E-XD Droids:
SM-33’s transformation to attack the kids mirrors the behavior of E-XD droids in Star Wars Rebels Season 3, showcasing a twist in its seemingly harmless nature.
These easter eggs and references in Skeleton Crew Episode 4 add depth and connection to the expansive Star Wars universe, leaving fans eager for more surprises in the upcoming episodes. Explore the galaxy far, far away with these subtle nods and hidden gems in the latest installment of the series.
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