Get ready for a hilarious battle of determination and grit in “You’re Cordially Invited.” This comedy film, directed by Nicholas Stoller, follows the chaos that ensues when two weddings are accidentally booked at the same venue. Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon lead the cast as the father of the bride and the sister of the other bride, respectively, as they compete to make their family’s special day unforgettable.
Featuring a star-studded ensemble including Geraldine Viswanathan, Meredith Hagner, and Jimmy Tatro, “You’re Cordially Invited” promises endless laughs and heartwarming moments. Ferrell and Witherspoon also take on producing duties for this project, adding their comedic flair to the film.
Executive produced by Alex Brown, Brendan O’Brien, and Ted Gidlow, “You’re Cordially Invited” is set to premiere on Prime Video on January 30. Don’t miss out on this comedic clash of wedding parties and watch the new trailer now for a sneak peek at the chaos that unfolds.
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