Tony Kushner has actually appeared on behalf of Jonathan Glazer‘s Oscars acceptance speech, describing the British director’ s remarks at the event as an“unimpeachable irrefutable statement.”
Talking on the Haaretz Podcast which was launched Wednesday, Kushner, a four-time Academy Honor chose film writer, was inquired about his sensations regarding a variety of subjects connected to the Israel-Gaza dispute and raised Glazer’s speech which has actually been struck by some Jewish numbers in Hollywood and was the topic of a current open letter that has actually authorized by 1,000 individuals.
Throughout the podcast, Kushner, that remains in Israel to advertise a manufacturing of Angels in America in Tel Aviv, raises the blowback to Glazer’s Oscars speech, a speech which he referred to as “really sort of unimpeachable, irrefutable statement.” The dramatist is after that asked if he concurs with Glazer’s remarks, to which Kushner claims, “Of course, I mean, who doesn’t?”
Kushner describes, “What [Glazer’s] saying is so, is so simple. He’s saying Jewishness, Jewish identity, Jewish history, the history of the Holocaust, the history of Jewish suffering must not be used as an excuse for a project of dehumanizing or slaughtering other people.”
“This is a misappropriation of what it means to be a Jew, what the Holocaust meant, and he rejects that. Who doesn’t agree with that?,” he proceeds.
“What kind of person thinks that what’s going on now in Gaza is acceptable?,” Kushner claims.“And if you find yourself saying out loud and in public, ‘oh it’s fine with me what they’re doing,’ because you feel that it’s the only choice for you, because you’re a Jew, is to defend everything that Israel does, you know, shame on you.”
Previously in the podcast, Kushner, that has actually been a long period of time doubter of Israel’s, and especially Benjamin Netanyahu’s, plans and therapy of Palestinians, attended to allegations that asking for a ceasefire was antisemitism. “The people that I know who are passionately involved in calls for a ceasefire, these are not people who are antisemites, their interest is not in destroying Israel and certainly their interest is not in pogroms against Jews elsewhere.”
“What they’re really interested in, and the passion and the rage that you’re seeing, is because thousands of lives are at stake, tens of thousands millions of lives are at stake. Because before our eyes, what really looks a lot like ethnic cleansing, to me, is going on,” Kushner claims. “I mean, I tend to believe the people on the extreme right in Netanyahu’s cabinet who say, ‘yeah it’s ours now’, how is that not ethnic cleansing?”
Kushner stated he desired “Israelis to be able to live in peace and security,” however included the “treatment of the Palestinians, as many Israelis have been saying for decades, the occupation of the West Bank and the imprisonment of people in Gaza, and the checkpoints, and the wall, and all this stuff actually doesn’t make Israel safe.”