The latest indie slasher comedy film “Bloody Axe Wound” has released its official trailer, featuring Sari Arambulo in a leading role. Directed by Matthew John Lawrence, the film follows the story of Abbie Bladecut, a teenager caught between her family’s gruesome traditions and her first crush. The concept revolves around the idea of Jason Voorhees having a daughter who wants to continue his legacy while forging her own path.
Starring Sari Arambulo, Molly Brown, Eddie Leavy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Billy Burke, “Bloody Axe Wound” explores the struggles of the first female slasher as she battles sexism and uncovers the harsh realities behind mass murders. This meta horror film promises a unique twist on the slasher genre.
Watch the official trailer for “Bloody Axe Wound” below:
[Embed YouTube trailer]
Directed by Matthew John Lawrence, “Bloody Axe Wound” is set in the town of Clover Falls, where Abbie’s father, Roger Bladecut, has built a notorious reputation by documenting real-life killings and selling the footage. As Abbie questions the family’s legacy, the film delves into themes of tradition and reinvention.
Produced by Nicholas Santos and executive produced by Hilarie Burton Morgan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, “Bloody Axe Wound” is scheduled to premiere in select US theaters and on VOD on December 27th, 2024. Don’t miss this exhilarating take on the slasher comedy genre.
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