Review of Queer
Queer is a movie that would make Burroughs proud. This article discusses the film and its impact.
About Little White Lies:
Established in 2005, Little White Lies is a bi-monthly print magazine that celebrates great movies and the talented individuals who create them. With a focus on cutting-edge design, illustration, and journalism, Little White Lies is considered a leader in the independent publishing movement. The reviews at Little White Lies utilize a unique tripartite ranking system to provide a comprehensive view of the movie-going experience. Little White Lies believes in Truth & Movies.
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Little White Lies offers a combination of insightful editorial content and visually stunning design. From in-depth analysis to captivating visuals, Little White Lies is committed to delivering high-quality content for movie enthusiasts.
In conclusion, Queer is a film that captures the essence of independent cinema and would resonate with fans of Burroughs’ work. For more reviews and articles on great movies, visit Little White Lies.
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