Frasier Crane, the beloved character from the Must See TV-era NBC comedy, is once again on the hunt for a new home. Paramount+ has announced that they will not move forward with a third season of the Frasier revival starring Kelsey Grammer. This decision comes just two months after the conclusion of the show’s second season.
CBS Studios, the production company behind Frasier, is now seeking a new platform for the show. Frasier follows Dr. Frasier Crane as he returns to Boston and takes up a teaching position at Harvard to rebuild his relationship with his adult son Freddy. The show features an ensemble cast including Nicholas Lyndhurst, Toks Olagundoye, Jess Salguiero, and Anders Keith, with appearances from original Frasier alumni such as Peri Gilpin and Bebe Neuwirth.
The idea of reviving Frasier first surfaced in early 2021, with Paramount+ greenlighting the series in October 2022. The show premiered a year later, though streaming figures have not been publicly disclosed. Joe Cristalli and Harris serve as co-showrunners, with executive producers including Grammer, Tom Russo, and Jordan McMahon.
Fans can still enjoy both seasons of the Frasier revival as well as the original series on Paramount+.
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