I was so busy trying to guess who planted that picture to make it appear as though Nancy was the last person to call the Sin Eater that it never occurred to me that she actually had.
I have enjoyed seeing more of Ace’s parents this season. The focus on his family’s Seder traditions was a nice grounding element to use as the backdrop for the episode.
The family dynamic of a Thom reluctantly letting go and watching Ace take on the task of leading the Seder was universal.
The struggle to let your parents know that, while you may not do things exactly like they did, you can carry on a tradition and make them proud felt so familiar I couldn’t help but laugh.
No matter how hard you try, you still make mistakes in front of your parents when you least want to.
I felt for poor Ace when he had to correct course at the beginning of the night.
Speaking of family dynamic, Ryan is doing a great job as Nancy’s mystery involved Dad.
It’s not something that just started this season, but it is something I have always enjoyed.
George’s sisters were helping Bess and Nick build the “Underground Historical Society” by stealing artifacts and books from Ryan.
I was certain they were stealing from the official Historical Society. Considering Ryan was acquiring artifacts for Bess already, I’m not sure how useful that was, but I’m using adult logic and I don’t think that applies.
Carson learned that his girlfriend, Jean, is pregnant.
Judge Abbott returned this week to answer my questions about one of the aspects of how The Sin Eater works.
I couldn’t understand why The Sin Eater removed the memory of the sin from the person who calls to it, as well as that person’s victims.
Apparently some of the sinners want to be free of not just the consequences of their sins, but their guilt as well.

Not that I believe, for a moment, that the men who used children as guinea pigs when they created The Sin Eater felt any guilt at all.
IMHO those men were more worried about witnesses and revenge.
What threw me about Judge Abbott’s appearance in the episode was George’s extremely harsh attitude. I don’t think it would have been as jarring in Season One. Here it felt a little off to me.
Callie Farquar believes Horseshoe Bay is better off living in denial about its past.
An easy choice for a member of one of the families that came out of the past on top of the heap.
Her opinion isn’t very surprising considering it is her family’s job to protect The Sin Eater.
At the end of last week’s episode, I was certain that that picture of Nancy was a plant.
No way Nancy could have called to the Sin Eater.
I was wrong.
I spent most of the episode in denial that Nancy called on The Sin Eater to bury a sin she committed. I’m still there.

I keep trying to come up with reasons that Nancy would have called The Sin Eater that would let her remain the pure heroic character we know and love.
Nancy was beside herself because calling on The Sin Eater is so far from how she sees herself.
She ignored Ace’s wishes and tried to force contact with Ghost.
The Glasses are finally arrested, and hopefully the charges of kidnapping and attempted murder are enough to send them to prison for a good long time.
After seeing a glimpse of her sin, Nancy deduced that she (and possibly Ace) had a hand in Ghost’s death, and that that’s why the Ghost feels so connected to Ace.
Two episodes left and I have no idea how it’s going to play out. Part of me is anxious to find out and the other part of me dreads knowing.
I don’t want to be disappointed in Nancy.
Rating 9:
It was difficult to watch Nancy struggle with an uncomfortable realization. The Glasses are no longer a problem, but Callie Farquar’s ultimatum promises to make the conclusion to the Sin Eater story more difficult.