Killer Mike was arrested and reserved with an offense on Sunday evening (February 4) after winning 3 honors at the2024 Grammys While it was at first uncertain what motivated him to be accompanied out of the location in manacles, the rap artist has actually currently shared a statement claiming he’s “better than OK” and clarified what occurred.
“I do want to note that last night, my team and I fielded a number of calls from concerned fans and colleagues wanting to know if I was OK,” his statement reviews. “As you can imagine, there was a lot going and there was some confusion around which door my team and I should enter. We experienced an over-zealous security guard, but my team and I have the upmost confidence that I will ultimately be cleared of all wrongdoing.”
A resource in Killer Mike’s group additionally included: “We hit a speed bump in that Mike was detained and charged with a misdemeanor after collecting his awards. On the way into the venue, there was considerable confusion around where to go. He encountered an over-zealous security guard and continued moving towards his destination. The situation has been overblown but we are confident that the facts of the case, when laid bare, will show that Mike did not commit the alleged offense and he will be exonerated.”
A guard working at the Grammys asserted that she was hurt by Killer Mike at her appointed door entryway quickly after he brushed up the rap classification, winning all 3 Grammys for Finest Rap Cd, Finest Rap Track, and Finest Rap Efficiency, an elderly police resource informed Wanderer. The security personnel requested for Killer Mike’s tickets and routed him to a protection checkpoint, however he attempted to walk around her and purportedly hurt her while doing so, the resource insurance claims. After calling for assistance, the security personnel authorized a person’s apprehension for offense battery, got clinical therapy, and had her claimed injuries photographed, according to the police resource.
Read Killer Mike’s complete statement listed below: