Joy Behar SLAMS Sunny Hostin Over Obsession With Gavin Newsom’s Looks
Joy Behar kicked off the season finale of The View on a political note, but her co-host, Sunny Hostin, veered a conversation about a potential debate between Republican presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, and California Governor, Gavin Newsom, in a different direction.
Joy, who was sitting in as moderator in Whoopi Goldberg’s absence, introduced the opening Hot Topic segment by asserting that DeSantis had “been too scared to even mention Donald Trump…but he is not afraid of Gavin Newsom.” Sunny responded by declaring that DeSantis “should be afraid. [Newsom’s] very attractive.” Joy shrugged off the remark, admitting “He is, he is,” before trying to get back to the subject at hand.
Joy asked the panel — “What’s with Newsom? Is Newsom running, or what?”
Ana Navarro chimed in — “For what? Best Hair in the United States? The nominee of the Democratic party is Joe Biden and his vice president is Kamala Harris.”
The daytime host argued that Newsom agreeing to such a showdown would only benefit the Florida governor.
“I think it’s a stupid idea by Gavin Newsom. And I think it kind of shows him as a little desperate for attention,” Ana said. “We know DeSantis is desperate for any attention that is not about his failing campaign and flawed candidacy, and the fact that he’s got no charisma and no substance other than the word ‘woke.’”
She added that DeSantis would likely call the debate a win whether he emerged victorious or not.
“What Republicans do incredibly effectively — they do it when they come to this show — is pick fights and then use it to raise funds, raise their profile. And, you know, portray themselves like they are these champions and these warriors,” she said.
Sara Haines said that she would welcome the opportunity to watch DeSantis “with his feet to the fire, where someone’s calling him out on policy.”
“We need more good exchange of ideas in this country,” Alyssa agreed. “Less talking points and ads, and there is a lot to litigate! Like, Gavin Newsom, if he does well in this, he can — he needs to show that he can defend his policies.”
The panel, which included Alyssa Farah Griffin, agreed that Newsom appeared to be prepping for a presidential run in 2028.
Sunny noted — “He’s an attractive candidate, unlike DeSantis, who you get kind of creeped out by him.”
Sara told her co-host, “We’re not voting on the looks of them.” Sunny clarified that her comment also referred to his politics, but Joy reiterated — “We’re not gonna date him.”
Joy dismissed that chatter about Newsom’s appearance but went on to launch a segment on “the very handsome” Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who recently announced that he was splitting from his wife of 18 years, Sophie Grégoire.
“Now that’s the best hair in politics,” Ana said of Trudeau.
“The View” will reportedly be on hiatus until after Labor Day. Joy ended Friday’s broadcast by asking her co-hosts to join her in encouraging the audience to—“take a little time to enjoy the view.”
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