The BBC recently unveiled the trailer for the highly anticipated drama series, Miss Austen, starring Keeley Hawes as Jane Austen’s sister Cassandra. The show is set to premiere on Sunday, February 2.
In the United States, viewers can catch Miss Austen on Masterpiece on PBS starting Sunday, May 4. All four episodes will be available for streaming on BBC iPlayer from 6 a.m. London time on the same day, with weekly episodes airing on BBC One.
Adapted from Gill Hornby’s bestselling novel, Miss Austen has been brought to life for television by BAFTA-winning writer Andrea Gibb. The series explores a literary mystery surrounding Cassandra Austen burning her sister Jane’s letters, offering a fresh take on sisterly love and the complexities of their relationship.
The show features a talented cast including Keeley Hawes, Rose Leslie, Max Irons, and more. Directed by Aisling Walsh, produced by Stella Merz, and co-produced by Bonnie Productions and Masterpiece, Miss Austen promises to be a captivating and emotional portrayal of the Austen sisters’ bond.
As 2022 marks the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth, the release of Miss Austen is sure to delight fans of the acclaimed author. Watch the trailer for a glimpse into this compelling drama series.
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