With the Thore family from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, it isn’t uncommon for Whitney Way Thore to be the center of attention. Recently, fans have spotted Whitney’s brother, Hunter Thore, with a beautiful girl on his arm. Undoubtedly, they are very excited he seems to have a new girlfriend. However, most fans are very scared Whitney will mess it up for him.
Fans Are Happy For Hunter Thore
It isn’t a secret both Whitney and Hunter Thore have been looking for new relationships. Awkwardly, Whitney and Hunter were even matched on a dating app earlier in the season. It was a strange discussion of whether you should swipe on family in support or not. But now, on Reddit, a user posted a caption: “Yay!!! Hunter finally has a boo!! And she’s so pretty. They look cute together 🥰. I’m sure Whitney is seeeething 🤣🤣🤣🤣.” Following the caption, there is a picture of Hunter with a gray patterned suit and a black shirt underneath. But, more significantly, he is walking arm in arm with a girl in a matching black dress. However, photobombing in the background is Whitney Way Thore sporting a goofy smile.
Fans Point Out Whitney Way Thore Looks Like A Clown
In response to the post, fans began to point out that Whitney Way Thore‘s photobomb of Hunter Thore was ridiculous and made her look like a clown.
“Look at Whitney clowning in the background. Lol.”
“Looking like the Joker.”
Following, another user posted a Jack Nicholson Joker meme from Batman. With the quote, “Tell me something my friend, you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”
Another says, “OMG, how spot on is that!?”
A different user replied, “Acting like one too.”
And a comparison of IT also was dropped in, “Like spotting It in the background about to unhinge his jaw…”
Whitney Channels All Sorts Of Characters
But others likened her expression to different characters:
“Like those ghost pictures you see on paranormal channels, sends chills down your spine.”
“She looks like the mask on the movie scream 😱🤣.”
“I saw them then saw her and I legit instantly thought of ersala from Little mermaid like 😫.”
Other fans criticized Whitney Way Thore for being obnoxious at Hunter Thore’s expense:
“She thinks she is so funny and cute. But, this picture says it, a obnoxious, loud mouth, jealous, ridiculous, hateful, jealous narcissist!!!! Glad for Hunter. Hope he keeps Whitney out of his business. She will try to cause him trouble. I bet.”
“And of course She will make it all about her.”
“Notice she is photo-bombing this pic. I mean, why can’t it just be a pic of Hunter and his gf?”
Yay!!! Hunter finally has a boo!! And she’s so pretty. They look cute together 🥰. I’m sure Whitney is seeeething 🤣🤣🤣🤣byu/SnooPoems2246 inMyBigFatFabulousLife
Fans Worry Whitney Will Sabotage Hunter Thore
While most fans seem happy for Hunter Thore having a new girl, they also seem to think that Whitney would not be so happy:
What do you think about Hunter Thore having a new girlfriend? Do you think Whitney Way Thore will get in the way? Are you watching the newest episodes of My Big Fat Fabulous Life? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill is a graduate from Oklahoma State University. Her freelance writing primarily focuses on streaming series, reality TV, and celebrity news. During her free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, baking, and traveling as often as possible.

Hunter Thore Has A Girlfriend & Fans Fear Whitney Will Sabotage