The Hallmark Channel, launched in 2001, has become known for its original holiday-themed films. One of its early successes was “Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus,” starring Steve Guttenberg as Santa’s heir, Nick. In the film, Nick meets Beth, an ad executive and single mom, and hopes to find a partner before taking over the family business.
Guttenberg, known for his roles in 1980s hits like Police Academy and Three Men and a Baby, found playing a positive character in the film to be a great challenge. He praised director Harvey Frost for his efficient filming style, using five cameras to shoot quickly.
“Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus” premiered in 2004 and was so successful that it led to a sequel in 2005, “Meet the Santas.” Although a third film was planned, it never came to fruition due to deal negotiations.
Christmas-themed romantic comedies have become a hallmark of the Hallmark Channel, with Frost directing several holiday projects. Other platforms, like Netflix, have also followed suit with films like “Hot Frosty,” starring Lacey Chabert.
Guttenberg reflects on the impact of films like “Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus,” noting that some movies just resonate with audiences and become memorable holiday favorites.
This article originally appeared in The Hollywood Reporter magazine on December 13. Subscribe here for more content.
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