“Sorry, Baby” is a poignant and funny movie that delves into the complexities of everyday violence, directed by Eva Victor, a rising star in the film industry. The film follows Agnes, played by Victor herself, as she navigates graduate school and life after her best friend moves away, all while dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic assault.
Unlike many films that focus on the spectacle of violence, “Sorry, Baby” takes a more restrained approach, emphasizing character development and emotional depth. Agnes’s journey is a raw and honest portrayal of trauma, showcasing the challenges of seeking justice and healing in a world that often ignores survivors’ voices.
Victor infuses dark humor into the narrative, crafting a story that balances comedy with poignant moments of reflection. The film explores themes of resilience, compassion, and the importance of breaking cycles of pain. It culminates in a powerful and unexpected finale that showcases Agnes’s growth and self-discovery.
“Sorry, Baby” is a standout film at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, offering a unique blend of humor and heart-wrenching drama. It is a must-watch for anyone looking for a fresh perspective on the complexities of modern life.
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