Ed Lachman is a renowned cinematographer known for his collaborations with acclaimed filmmakers such as Todd Haynes, Sofia Coppola, and Pablo Larraín. His latest project, “Maria,” is currently in theaters and will soon be available on Netflix as part of the studio’s awards season lineup. With a long and successful career, Lachman has received numerous accolades, including a recent lifetime achievement award.
At the EnergaCAMERIMAGE festival, Lachman is revered as a figurehead, essential to the event’s success. His work is celebrated and showcased through retrospectives of films like “Far from Heaven,” “Carol,” and “Don’t Blink.” Lachman’s diverse filmography includes collaborations with various directors, showcasing his versatility as a cinematographer.
With a background in art history and painting, Lachman brings a unique perspective to his work, emphasizing character-driven storytelling and exploring different visual forms. His innovative approach to cinematography has led to collaborations with directors who value his creative input and expertise.
While Lachman has embraced digital technology in some projects, he continues to value shooting on film for the textures and authenticity it brings to period films like “Maria.” His experience in manipulating images during post-production ensures that the final product maintains its character and texture, even in formats like HDR.
Despite his age and accolades, Lachman remains dedicated to his craft and continues to explore new territories in cinematography. His upcoming project in Taiwan with director Midi Z promises to be another exciting chapter in his illustrious career.
“Maria” is a testament to Lachman’s talent and dedication to his craft, now playing in theaters and set to release on Netflix on Dec. 11.
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