The Spider-Verse animated films have not only delivered strong stories and character development, but they also deliver some awesome and unique art and animation styles. These movies took animated films to the next level, and they prove that audiences are open to new things that don’t look like Pixar and Disney. That’s just what animation has been like for such a long time, then Spider-Verse comes along and mixes it up!
I’ve got a new behind-the-scenes video for you to watch today for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, and it puts a focus on the innovative and wild animation techniques that they utilized to bring that awesome movie to life.
The video is called “Beyond The Screen,” and it features directors Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers, and Joaquim Dos Santos talking about their experience making the film. It also includes VFX supervisors Pav Grochola and Michael Lasker, development supervisor Bret St. Clair, and Lead assistant editor Erika Scopelli to discuss these animation techniques.
Sony describes the video, “Go Beyond the Screen with the creators of “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” to see how they used new tools to build the film’s visually stunning (and ever-changing) worlds. From mimicking brush strokes and creating characters’ distinct looks, to making and learning from mistakes, they worked collaboratively to bring the hit movie to life.”
Enjoy the video!