Anya Taylor-Joy, known for her award-winning role in “The Queen’s Gambit,” is making a return to television with the upcoming Apple TV+ series, “Lucky.” Produced by Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine production company and co-showrun by Jonathan Tropper and Cassie Pappas, the miniseries follows Taylor-Joy as a young woman who must confront her criminal past in a desperate bid to escape it.
Reese Witherspoon expressed excitement about bringing female-centric stories to the screen through partnerships with Apple TV+ and the talented team behind “Lucky.” The series is based on Marissa Stapley’s novel and promises to captivate audiences worldwide.
Taylor-Joy, who has also starred in films like “Furiosa” and “The Northman,” is eager to collaborate with Hello Sunshine and Apple TV+ on this project. While a release date for “Lucky” has not been announced yet, fans can look forward to seeing Taylor-Joy’s captivating performance on the small screen once again.
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