The new trailer for ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Infinity Castle’ anime has been released, teasing the first in a trilogy of films. Directed by Haruo Sotozaki, this adaptation of the “Infinity Castle” story arc is set to premiere in 2025. The film follows the Demon Slayer Corps as they embark on a mission to defeat Muzan, facing off against the remaining members of the Twelve Kizuki. Produced by Aniplex, Crunchyroll, Shueisha, and Sony Pictures, this highly anticipated film features Chief Animation Director Akira Matsushima and composers Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina.
With a successful track record of previous films and TV shows, including “Tales of Zestiria the X,” Sotozaki brings his expertise to this latest installment. The English release is scheduled for 2025, promising both an English dub and subtitles for international fans to enjoy. Stay tuned for the exact release date as more updates are announced on the official website. Are you excited for the upcoming release of ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Infinity Castle’? Share your thoughts and anticipation for this highly anticipated film!
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