Last Week Tonight usually starts with the opening sequence featuring cheerful music but Sunday’s episode had John Oliver addressing the Israel-Hamas war. In the cold open, Oliver explained why he would not be covering the events taking place in the Middle East in the main show.
“Hey there, it’s me. The show hasn’t started yet,” Oliver said. “I mean, clearly it started a little bit, I’m already talking to you. But before the music and the lights, and at least theoretically, the laughter, I wanted to briefly talk to you about what has clearly been a terrible week.”
He continued, “The immense suffering in Israel and Gaza has been sickening to watch and we’re not going to be covering it in the main body of our show tonight for a couple of reasons. First, it’s horrific. I don’t really want to tell jokes about carnage right now. And I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to hear them. And second, we’re taping this on Saturday afternoon. And you’ll be watching it Sunday night or Monday morning through an illegal VPN, I do know who I am talking to.”
Oliver explained that the situation is fast-moving and “a lot could change” between when the episode tapes and when it airs. The late-night show host offered “a few broad thoughts” that had “to do with sorrow, fear, and anger.”